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Class 9 Science Examplar Chapter 7 : DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS

Chapter 7.  Diversity in Living Organisms 

 Class 9 Science Examplar Chapter 7.  Diversity in Living Organisms Choose the correct answers

Q1. Which of the following biologist who proposed five kingdoms ?

(A) Ernst Heackel

(B) Robert Whittaker

(C) Carl Woese

(D) Aristotle

Ans : (B) Robert Whittaker .

Q2. Which of the following organisms are the part (example) of Monera ?

(A) Bacteria

(B) Amoeba

(C) Protozoa

(D) Penicillium

Ans : (A) Bacteria

Q3. Which of the following organisms are not the part (example) of Protista ?

(A) Paramecium

(B) Amoeba

(C) Protozoa

(D) Anabaena

Ans : (D) Anabaena  [It is Monera groups]

Q4. Mushroom is the example of :

(A) Saprophyte.

(B) Chitin

(C) Symbiotic

(D) Lichens

Ans : (B) Chitin  [Mushroom and Yeast also]

Q5. Penicillium is the example of :

(A) Thallophyta

(B) Protista

(C) Fungi

(D) Monera

Ans : (C) Fungi

Q6. Which of the following organisms are  not the example of ‘‘Thallophyta’’ (Algae)?

(A) Ulva

(B) Fern

(C) Spirogyra

(D) Chara

Ans : (B) Fern [It is example of Pteridophyta]

Q7. Which of the following organisms are the example of Bryophyta (amphibians) ?

(i) Moss and Marchantia

(ii) Funaria and Riccia

(iii) Funaria and Fern

(iv) Spirogyra and Marchantia

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (i) and (iii)

(C) (ii) and (iv)

(D) (iii) and (iv)

Ans : (A) (i) and (ii)

 [Fern --- Pteridophyta   , Spirogyra --Thallophyta ]

Q8. Plants with seeds having two cotyledons are called  .

(A) Dicots

(B) Monocots

(C) Sperma

(D) Angiosperms

Ans : (A) Dicots

Q9. Plants with seeds having single cotyledons are called  .

(A) Perennial

(B) Monocots

 (C) Angiosperms

(D) Dicots

Ans : (B) Monocots .

10. Hydra (or Jellyfish) is the example of :

(A) Porifera

(B) Cnidaria (Coelenterata)

(C) Platyhelminthes

(D) Annelida

Ans : (B) Cnidaria (Coelenterata)

Q11. Which of the following organisms are not the example of Porifera ? 

(A) Spongillaa

(B) Sycon

(C) Euplectelea

(D) Planaria

Ans : (D) Planaria 

  [ It is a Platyhelminthes groups]

Q12. Which of the following organisms are the example of Echinodermata ?

(A) Starfish (Asterias)

(B) Leach

(C)  Turtle

(D) Lionfish

Ans : (A) Starfish (Asterias)

 [ Leach --- Annelida  ,  Lionfish --- Pisces , Turtle ---Reptilia ]

Q13. Which of the following  statement are correct ?

(i) Mammals are warm-blooded animals with fours-chambered hearts .

(ii) Mammals have mammary glands for the production of milk to nourish their young .

(iii) Reptilia animals are cold-blooded, have scales and breathe through lungs or gills .

(iv) Amphibia animals are found both in water and on land .

(A) (i) , (ii) and (iii)

(B) (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

(C) (i) , (ii) and (iv)

(D) (i) , (iii) and (iv)

Ans : (C) (i) , (ii) and (iv)

[Reptilia animals are cold-blooded, have

 scales and breathe through lungs (only)]

Q14. Which of the following organisms are not the example of Mammalia ?

(A) Crow

(B) Cat

(C) Cow

(D) Bat

Ans : (A) Crow [It is a aves group]

Q15. Find out incorrect sentence :

(A) Protista includes unicellular eukaryotic organisms .

(B) Whittaker considered cell structure,mode and source of nutrition for classifying the organisms in five kingdoms .

(C) Both Monera and Protista may be autotrophic and heterotrophic  .

(D) Monerans have well defined nucleus .

Ans : (D) Monerans have well defined nucleus .

Q16. Which among the following has specialized tissue for conduction of water ?

(i) Thallophyta

(ii) Bryophyta

(iii) Pteridophyta

(iv) Gymnosperms

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (ii) and (iii)

(C) (iii) and (iv)

(D) (i) and (iv)

Ans : (C) (iii) and (iv) .

Q17. Which among the following produce seeds ?

(A) Thallophyta

(B) Bryophyta

(C) Pteridophyta

(D) Gymnosperms

Ans : (D) Gymnosperms .

Q18. Which one is a true fish ?

(A) Jellyfish

(B) Starfish

(C) Dogfish

(D) Silverfish

Ans : (C) Dogfish .

Q19. Which among the following is exclusively marine ?

(A) Porifera

(B) Echinodermata

(C) Mollusca

(D) Pisces

Ans : (B) Echinodermata  .

Q20. Which among the following have open circulatory system ?

(i) Arthropoda

(ii) Mollusca

(iii) Annelida

(iv) Coelenterata

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (iii) and (iv)

(C) (i) and (iii)

(D) (ii) and (iv)

Ans :  (A) (i) and (ii) .

Q21. In which group of animals, coelom is filled with blood ?

(A) Arthropoda

(B) Annelida

(C) Nematoda

(D) Echinodermata

Ans : (A) Arthropoda  .

Q22. Elephaniasis is caused by

(A) Wuchereria

(B) Pinworm

(C) Planarians

(D) Liver flukes

Ans : (A) Wuchereria  .

Q23. Which one is the most striking or (common) character of the vertebrates ?

(A) Presence of notochord

(B) Presence of triploblastic condition

(C) Presence of gill pouches

(D) Presence of coelom

Ans : (A) Presence of notochord .

Q24. Which among the following have scales ?

(i) Amphibians

(ii) Pisces

(iii) Reptiles

(iv) Mammals

(A) (i) and (iii)

(B) (iii) and (iv)

(C) (ii) and (iii)

(D) (i) and (ii)

Ans : (C) (ii) and (iii) .

Q25. Find out the false statement :

(A) Aves are warm blooded , egg laying and have four chambered heart .

(B) Aves have feather covered body , forelimbs are modified as wing and breathe through lungs .

(C) Most of the mammals are viviparous

(D) Fishes , amphibians and reptiles are not oviparous .

Ans : (D) Fishes , amphibians and reptiles are not oviparous .

Q26. Pteridophyta do not have

(A) root

(B) stem

(C) flowers

(D) leaves

Ans : (C) flowers .

Q27. Identify a member of porifera

(A) Spongilla

(B) Euglena

(C) Penicillium

(D) Hydra

Ans : (A) Spongilla  .

Q28. Which is not an aquatic animal ?

(A) Hydra

(B) Jelly fish

(C) Corals

(D) Filaria

Ans : (D) Filaria

Q29. Amphibians do not have the following :

(A) Three chambered heart

(B) Gills of lungs

(C) Scales

(D) Mucus glands

Ans : (C) Scales .

Q30. Organisms without nucleus and cell organelles belong to :

(i) fungi

(ii) protista

(iii) cyano bacteria

(iv) archae bacteria

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (iii) and (iv)

(C) (i) and (iv)

(D) (ii) and (iii)

Ans : (B) (iii) and (iv) .

Q31. Which of the following is not a criterion for classification of living organisms ?

(A) Body design of the organism

(B) Ability to produce one’s own food

(C) Membrane bound nucleus and cell organelles

(D) Height of the plant

Ans : (D) Height of the plant .

Q32. The feature that is not a characteristic of protochordata ?

(A) Presence of notochord

(B) Bilateral symmetry and coelom

(C) Jointed legs

(D) Presence of circulatory system

Ans : (C) Jointed legs

Q33. The locomotory organs of Echinodermata are :

(A) tube feet

(B) muscular feet

(C) jointed legs

(D) parapodia

Ans : (A) tube feet  .

Q34. Corals are

(A) poriferans attached to some solid support

(B) Cnidarians, that are solitary living

(C) Poriferans present at the sea bed

(D) Cnidarians that live in colonies

Ans : (D) Cnidarians that live in colonies .

Q35. Who introduced the system of scientific nomenclature of organisms

(A) Robert whittaker

(B) Carolus Linnaeus

(C) Robert Hooke

(D) Ernst Haeckel

Ans : (B) Carolus Linnaeus .

Q36. Two chambered heart occurs in

(A) crocodiles

(B) fish

(C) aves

(D) amphibians

Ans : (B) fish  .

Q37. Skeleton is made entirely of cartilage in

(A) Sharks

(B) Tuna

(C) Rohu

(D) None of these

Ans : (A) Sharks .

Q38. One of the following is not an annelid :

(A) Nereis

(B) Earthworm

(C) Leech

(D) Urchins

Ans : (D) Urchins .

Q39. The book systema Naturae was written by

(A) Linnaeus

(B) Haeckel

(C) Whittaker

(D) Robert Brown

Ans : (A) Linnaeus  .

Q40. Carl Von Linne was involved with which branch of science ?

(A) Morphology

(B) Taxonomy

(C) Physiology

(D) Medicine

Ans : (B) Taxonomy  .

Q41. Real organs are absent in :

(A) Mollusca

(B) Coelenterata

(C) Arthropoda

(D) Echinodermata

Ans  : (B) Coelenterata .

Q42. Hard calcium carbonate structures are used as skeleton by

(A) Echinodermata

(B) Protochordata

(C) Arthropoda

(D) Nematoda

Ans :  (A) Echinodermata  .

Q43. Differentiation in segmental fashion occurs in

(A) Leech

(B) Starfish

(C) Snails

(D) Ascaris

Ans : (A) Leech .

Q44. In taxonomic hierarchy family comes between

(A) Class and Order

(B) Order and Genus

(C) Genus and Species

(D) Division and Class

Ans : (B) Order and Genus .

Q45. 5- kingdom classification has given by

(A) Morgan

(B) R. Whittaker

(C) Linnaeus

(D) Haeckel

Ans : (B) R. Whittaker .

Q46. Well defined nucleus is absent in

(A) blue green algae

(B) diatoms

(C) algae

(D) yeast

Ans : (A) blue green algae .

Q47. The ‘‘ Origin of species’’ is written by

(A) Linnaeus

(B) Darwin

(C) Hackel

(D) Whittaker

Ans : (B) Darwin  .

Q48. Meena and Hari observed an animals in their garden . Hari called it an insect while Meena said it was an earthworm . Choose the character from the following which confirms that it is an insect .

(A) Bilateral symmetrical body

(B) Body with jointed legs

(C) Cylindrical body

(D) Body with little segmentation

Ans : (B) Body with jointed legs .

Class 8 Science Examplar Chapter 7. Diversity in Living Organisms Fill in the blanks :

(A) Fungi shows   mode of nutrition .

Ans : saprophytic .

(B) Cell wall of fungi is made up of  .

Ans : chitin

(C) Association between blue green algae and fungi is called as  .

Ans : lichen

(D) Chemical nature of chitin is  .

Ans : carbohydrate .

(E)  has smallest number of organisms with maximum number of similar characters .

Ans : Species

(F) Plants without well differentiated stem, root and leaf are kept in  .

Ans : thallophyta .

(G)  are called as amphibians of the plant kingdom .

Ans : Bryophytes .

(I) Five kingdom classification of living organisms is given by  .

Ans : R. Whittaker .

(J) Basic smallest unit of classification is  .

Ans : Species

(K) Prokaryotes are grouped in Kingdom

Ans : Monera .

(L) Paramecium is a protista become of its  .

Ans : Unicellular eukaryotic organization .

(M) Fungi do not contain  .

Ans :  chlorophyll .

(N) A fungus  can be seen without microscope .

Ans : like mushroom .

(O) Common fungi used in preparing the bread is  .

Ans : yeast .

(P) Algae and fungi form symbiotic association called  .

Ans : lichens .

Q42. Give example for the following :

(A) Bilateral , dorsiventral symmetry is found in  .

Ans : flatworms

(B) Worms causing disease elephantiasis is  .

Ans : filarial worm

(C) Open circulatory system is found in  where coelomic cavity is filled with blood .

Ans : arthropods

(D)  are known to have pseudocoelom .

Ans : nematodes .