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15 . Improvement in Food Resources

Class 9 Science Chapter 15 . Improvement in Food Resources

Chapter 15 . Improvement in Food Resources

Internal Questions :

1. What do we get from cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables ?

Answer: Cereals provide carbohydrates and fiber.

Pulses offer protein and dietary fiber.

Fruits provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Vegetables offer various vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Internal Questions :

1. How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production ?

Answer: Biotic factors, such as insects , rodents , fungi , mites and bacteria of other organisms, can negatively impact crop production.

Abiotic factors such as temperature, improper humidity, soil quality and sunlight also affect crop growth and productivity.
2. What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements ?

Answer: The desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements include high yield potential, resistance to pests and diseases, tolerance to environmental stresses (such as drought, heat, and cold), efficient nutrient utilization, adaptability to different growing conditions, and improved agronomic practices such as reduced water and fertilizer requirements.

Internal Questions :

1. What are macro-nutrients and why are they called macro- nutrients?

Answer: Macronutrients are essential nutrients required by plants in relatively large quantities for healthy growth and development. They include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). They are called macro-nutrients due to their significant importance and higher concentration needs compared to micronutrients.
2. How do plants get nutrients?

Answer: Plants obtain nutrients through their roots. The root system absorbs water and minerals dissolved in the soil. The nutrients are transported upward through the xylem vessels to the shoots, where they are utilized for various metabolic processes, growth, and the production of leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Internal Questions :

1. Compare the use of manure and fertilizers in maintaining soil fertility.

Answer: Both manure and fertilizers contribute to maintaining soil fertility, but they differ in several aspects. Manure is organic matter derived from animal waste or plant residues. It improves soil structure, adds organic carbon, and provides a slow release of nutrients. Fertilizers, on the other hand, are synthetic or mineral-based products that offer specific nutrient concentrations and can provide immediate nutrient availability. They are more targeted but do not enhance soil organic matter or microbial activity like manure does.

Internal Questions :

1. Which of the following conditions will give the most benefits? Why?
(a) Farmers use high-quality seeds, do not adopt irrigation or use fertilizers.
(b) Farmers use ordinary seeds, adopt irrigation and use fertilizer.
(c) Farmers use quality seeds, adopt irrigation, use fertilizer and use crop protection measures.

Answer: (c) Farmers using quality seeds, adopting irrigation, using fertilizer, and employing crop protection measures will likely provide the most benefits. This combination ensures improved genetic traits, sufficient water supply, optimal nutrient availability, and protection against pests and diseases, resulting in enhanced crop yield, quality, and overall productivity.

Internal Questions :

1. Why should preventive measures and biological control methods be preferred for protecting crops?

Answer: Preventive measures and biological control methods should be preferred for protecting crops due to their environmental safety, sustainability, resistance management, targeted control of pests while preserving beneficial organisms, reduced chemical residues on crops, and cost-effectiveness. They promote long-term solutions, integrated pest management, and a balanced approach to crop protection, ensuring the health of agroecosystems and minimizing negative impacts on ecosystems and human health.
2. What factors may be responsible for losses of grains during storage?

Answer: Factors responsible for losses of grains during storage include high moisture content, improper temperature control, infestations by insects and pests, damage by rodents and birds, poor storage conditions, mycotoxin contamination, and inadequate monitoring and maintenance. These factors can lead to spoilage, reduced grain quality, pest damage, mycotoxin formation, and overall deterioration, resulting in significant losses of stored grains.

Internal Questions :

1. Which method is commonly used for improving cattle breeds and why?

Answer: Selective breeding is commonly used for improving cattle breeds. It allows breeders to select animals with desirable traits and mate them to pass on those traits to future generations, resulting in improved performance, productivity, and adaptation to specific production systems or market demands.

Internal Questions :

1. Discuss the implications of the following statement:
“It is interesting to note that poultry is India’s most efficient converter of low fibre food stuff (which is unfit for human consumption) into highly nutritious animal protein food.”

Answer:  The implications of the statement are :

Food Security: Poultry serves as a valuable source of high-quality protein, addressing the protein requirements of a large population. It helps enhance food security by efficiently utilizing food resources that may not be suitable for direct human consumption.

Resource Utilization: Poultry can make use of agricultural by-products, food waste, and low-fiber feed sources that would otherwise go to waste. This promotes efficient resource utilization and reduces food waste, contributing to a more sustainable and circular food system.

Nutritional Value: Poultry products, such as eggs and meat, provide essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals, which are crucial for human health and development. The efficient conversion of low-fiber foodstuff into highly nutritious animal protein helps in meeting the nutritional needs of the population.

Economic Benefits: The efficient conversion by poultry contributes to the economic value of the agricultural sector. It provides income opportunities for farmers, processors, and other stakeholders involved in poultry production and supports rural livelihoods.

Environmental Considerations: While poultry efficiently converts low-fiber foodstuff, it is important to address the environmental implications associated with poultry production, such as waste management, emissions, and land use. Sustainable and responsible practices should be implemented to minimize the potential negative environmental impacts.

Internal Questions :

1. What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming?

Answer: Common management practices in dairy and poultry farming include proper housing and shelter, balanced nutrition and feeding programs, health care and disease prevention measures, reproductive management, waste management, record keeping, quality control and hygiene practices, monitoring and data analysis, and continuous training and skills development for farmers and workers.

2. What are the differences between broilers and layers and in their management ?

Answer: The differences between broilers and layers are :

(i) Broilers are raised for meat production, while layers are raised for egg production.

(ii) The main differences in their management include variations in feeding programs, housing requirements, lighting schedules, and management practices to optimize growth and meat quality in broilers, and to maximize egg production and quality in layers.

Internal Questions :

1. How are fish obtained?

Answer: Fish can be obtained through various methods such as fishing, aquaculture, and hatcheries. Fishing involves capturing fish from natural bodies of water using nets, lines, or traps. Aquaculture involves the farming of fish in controlled environments, while hatcheries focus on breeding and raising fish from eggs or fry.
2. What are the advantages of composite fish culture?

Answer: Advantages of composite fish culture include increased fish production through efficient utilization of resources, ecological balance in the fish pond, disease control, utilization of multiple trophic levels, diversified income streams, and efficient resource utilization. It maximizes productivity, promotes sustainability, and reduces risks associated with monoculture systems, making it a favorable approach for fish farming.

Internal Questions :

1. What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production?

Answer: The desirable characteristics of bee varieties suitable for honey production include high honey production, docility, disease resistance, adaptability to various climates, longevity and vigor, hygienic behavior, and efficient pollination. Bees with these traits are able to produce ample honey, are easy to work with, withstand diseases, thrive in different environments, have a long lifespan, maintain colony health, and contribute to effective pollination for increased honey yield.
2. What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production?

Answer: Pasturage refers to the availability and quality of flowering plants or sources of nectar and pollen in an area. It is directly related to honey production as bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers to produce honey. Ample and diverse pasturage ensures a consistent supply of nectar and pollen, contributing to higher honey production, while limited pasturage can result in reduced honey production.

Chapter 15 Exercises :

1. Explain any one method of crop production which ensures high yield.

Answer: One method of crop production that ensures high yield is the application of organic manures and fertilizers. Organic manures, such as compost and farmyard manure, provide essential nutrients to the soil, improving its fertility. Additionally, chemical fertilizers rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium can be used to supplement the nutrient requirements of crops, promoting healthy growth and maximizing yields.
2. Why are manure and fertilizers used in fields?

Answer: Manure and fertilizers are used in fields to provide plants with the necessary nutrients for their growth. Manure is made from decomposed organic matter, such as animal waste or plant materials, and it enriches the soil with nutrients. Fertilizers, on the other hand, are synthetic or chemical substances that contain specific nutrients. Both manure and fertilizers help plants to grow healthy and produce a higher yield of crops.
3. What are the advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation?

Answer:  The advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation are:


Maximizes land use: Growing different crops together allows efficient use of land, increasing productivity.

Pest control: Some crops repel pests that affect others, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

Soil improvement: Different crops have different nutrient requirements, leading to balanced nutrient uptake and improved soil fertility.

Crop rotation:

Disease control: Rotating crops helps break disease cycles, reducing the buildup of pests and diseases.

Nutrient management: Different crops have different nutrient demands, allowing the soil to replenish specific nutrients.

Weed control: Rotating crops disrupts weed growth patterns, minimizing weed infestations.

4. What is genetic manipulation? How is it useful in agricultural practices?

Answer: Genetic manipulation, also known as genetic engineering, is a process of altering an organism's DNA to introduce specific desired traits.

In agricultural practices, genetic manipulation is useful because it allows scientists to create crops with beneficial characteristics. For example, they can modify crops to be resistant to pests or diseases, withstand harsh weather conditions, or have higher nutritional value. This helps in increasing crop yields, reducing crop loss, and improving the overall quality of agricultural produce.

5. How do storage grain losses occur?

Answer:  Storage grain losses occur due to various factors:

Pests and insects: Bugs, rodents, and insects can infest stored grains and consume or damage them.

Moisture: Excess moisture in stored grains can lead to mold growth, spoilage, and deterioration of the grains.

Temperature: Improper temperature control can accelerate spoilage and the growth of pests and fungi in stored grains.

Improper storage conditions: Inadequate storage facilities, such as lack of proper ventilation or sealing, can result in exposure to pests, moisture, and fluctuations in temperature, leading to grain loss.

Poor handling practices: Rough handling, improper stacking, and inadequate cleanliness during storage can cause physical damage and increase the chances of spoilage.

6. How do good animal husbandry practices benefit farmers?

Answer:  Good animal husbandry practices benefit farmers in the following ways:

Increased productivity: Proper care, nutrition, and healthcare practices improve the health and well-being of animals, resulting in higher productivity, such as increased milk or egg production, weight gain in livestock, and better reproduction rates.

Profitability: Improved animal productivity leads to increased income for farmers, as they can sell more products or higher-quality products at better prices.

Disease prevention: Effective animal husbandry practices, including vaccinations and regular health check-ups, help prevent the spread of diseases among animals. This reduces the risk of losses and the need for costly treatments.

Efficient resource utilization: Good animal husbandry practices ensure optimal utilization of resources like feed, water, and space, minimizing wastage and reducing production costs.

Sustainability: By practicing good animal husbandry, farmers contribute to sustainable agriculture. This includes ensuring the welfare of animals, minimizing environmental impact, and adopting practices that promote long-term viability of their farming operations.

7. What are the benefits of cattle farming?

Answer:  The benefits of cattle farming are:

Meat and milk production: Cattle farming provides a source of meat and milk for human consumption.

Livelihood and income: Cattle farming can be a source of livelihood and income for farmers, as they can sell meat, milk, and other cattle-related products.

Soil fertility: Cattle manure is a valuable organic fertilizer that can improve soil fertility and contribute to crop growth.

Draft power: In some regions, cattle can be used as working animals for agricultural activities like plowing fields or pulling carts.

Sustainability: Well-managed cattle farming practices can contribute to sustainable agricultural systems by utilizing grasslands, recycling nutrients, and promoting biodiversity.

Social and cultural value: Cattle have social and cultural significance in many communities, and cattle farming helps preserve traditional practices and cultural heritage.

8. For increasing production, what is common in poultry, fisheries and bee-keeping?

Answer: The common factor in poultry, fisheries, and bee-keeping for increasing production is efficient management practices.
9. How do you differentiate between capture fishing, mariculture and aquaculture?

Answer:  The difference between capture fishing, mariculture and aquaculture are :

Capture fishing : Capture fishing involves catching fish from their natural habitats in oceans, lakes, or rivers using fishing methods such as nets, hooks, or traps.

Mariculture : Mariculture refers to the cultivation or farming of marine organisms in controlled environments such as coastal areas, sea cages, or artificial ponds.

Aquaculture : Aquaculture involves the farming of aquatic organisms (fish, shellfish, or plants) in controlled environments such as ponds, tanks, or specially designed structures, with human intervention in their growth and production.