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16. Management of Natural Resources

SEBA Class 10 Science Chapter 16. Management of Natural Resources

Chapter 16. Management of Natural Resources

Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources Multiple Choice Questions and Answers :

1. From the list given below pick the item that is not a natural resource

(a) Soil

(b) Water

(c) Electricity

(d) Air

Answer:  (c) Electricity

2. The most rapidly dwindling natural resource in the world is

(a) water

(b) forests

(c) wind

(d) sunlight

Answer : (b) Forests

3. The most appropriate definition of a natural resource is that it is a substance/commodity that is

(a) present only on land

(b) a gift of nature which is very useful to mankind

(c) a man-made substance placed in nature

(d) available only in the forest

Answer :  (b) A gift of nature which is very useful to mankind.

4. The main cause for abundant coliform bacteria in the river Ganga is

(a) disposal of unburnt corpses into water

(b) discharge of effluents from electroplating industries

(c) washing of clothes

(d) immersion of ashes

Answer : (a) Disposal of unburnt corpses into water

[ The main cause for abundant coliform bacteria in the river Ganga is likely to be the disposal of unburnt corpses into the water. ]

5. The pH of water sample collected from a river was found to be acidic in the range of 3.5 – 4.5, on the banks of the river were several factories that were discharging effluents into the river. The effluents of which one of the following factories is the most likely cause for lowering the pH of river water?

(a) Soap and detergent factory

(b) Lead battery manufacturing factory

(c) Plastic cup manufacturing factory

(d) Alcohol distillery

Answer :  (d) Alcohol distillery

[ The most likely cause for lowering the pH of river water in this scenario is the discharge from the alcohol distillery. The production of alcohol often involves acidic by-products, which can contribute to the acidity of the water. ]

6. The pH range most conducive for life of fresh water plants and animals is

(a) 6.5 – 7.5

(b) 2.0 – 3.5

(c) 3.5 – 5.0

(d) 9.0 – 10.5

Answer : (a) 6.5 – 7.5

7. The three R’s that will help us to conserve natural resources for long term use are

(a) recycle, regenerate, reuse

(b) reduce, regenerate, reuse

(c) reduce, reuse, redistribute

(d) reduce, recycle, reuse

Answer : (d) reduce, recycle, reuse

8. Given below are a few statements related to biodiversity. Pick those that correctly describe the concept of biodiversity

(i) Biodiversity refers to the different species of flora and fauna present in an area

(ii) Biodiversity refers to only the flora of a given area

(iii) Biodiversity is greater in a forest

(iv) Biodiversity refers to the total number of individuals of a particular species living in an area

(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv)

(c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iii)

Answer :  (c) (i) and (iii) 

[ The correct statements describing the concept of biodiversity are: (i) Biodiversity refers to the different species of flora and fauna present in an area. (iii) Biodiversity is greater in a forest. ]

9. Among the statements given below select the ones that correctly describe the concept of sustainable development

(i) Planned growth with minimum damage to the environment

(ii) Growth irrespective of the extent of damage caused to the environment

(iii) Stopping all developmental work to conserve the environment

(iv) Growth that is acceptable to all the stakeholders

(a) (i) and (iv) (b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (iii) only

Answer :  (a) (i) and (iv).

[ (i) Planned growth with minimum damage to the environment. (iv) Growth that is acceptable to all the stakeholders.

Sustainable development aims to balance economic, social, and environmental considerations, planning for growth while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders.]

10. In our country, vast tracts of forests are cleared and a single species of plant is cultivated. This practice promotes

(a) biodiversity in the area

(b) monoculture in the area

(c) growth of natural forest

(d) preserves the natural ecosystem in the area

Answer :  (b) monoculture in the area.

[ Monoculture involves the cultivation of a single species over a large area, and it contrasts with the concept of biodiversity, which refers to the variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem.]

11. A successful forest conservation strategy should involve

(a) protection of animals at the highest trophic level

(b) protection of only consumers

(c) protection of only herbivores

(d) comprehensive programme to protect all the physical and biological components

Answer :  (d) a comprehensive program to protect all the physical and biological components.

[ Conservation efforts are most effective when they address the conservation of the entire ecosystem, including both physical and biological components, rather than focusing on specific trophic levels or groups of organisms.]

12. The important message conveyed by the ‘Chipko Movement’ is

(a) to involve the community in forest conservation efforts

(b) to ignore the community in forest conservation efforts

(c) to cut down forest trees for developmental activities

(d) government agencies have the unquestionable right to order destruction of trees in forests

Answer : (a) to involve the community in forest conservation efforts.

[ The Chipko Movement was a significant environmental movement where local communities, particularly women, hugged and protected trees to prevent their felling, highlighting the importance of involving communities in forest conservation.]

13. In our country, there are attempts to increase the height of several existing dams like Tehri and Almati, dams across Narmada. Choose the correct statements among the following that are a consequence of raising the height of dams

(i) Terrestrial flora and fauna of the area is destroyed completely

(ii) Dislocation of people and domestic animals living in the area

(iii) Valuable agricultural land may be permanently lost

(iv) It will generate permanent employment for people

(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv)

Answer :  (b) (i), (ii) and (iii).

[ (i) Terrestrial flora and fauna of the area is destroyed completely. (ii) Dislocation of people and domestic animals living in the area. (iii) Valuable agricultural land may be permanently lost.]

14. Expand the abbreviation GAP

(a) Governmental Agency for Pollution Control

(b) Gross Assimilation by Photosynthesis

(c) Ganga Action Plan

(d) Governmental Agency for Animal Protection

Answer :  (c) Ganga Action Plan.

15. Select the incorrect statement

(a) Economic development is linked to environmental conservation

(b) Sustainable development encourages development for current generation and conservation of resources for future generations

(c) Sustainable development does not consider the view points of stakeholders

(d) Sustainable development is a long planned and persistent development

Answer :  (c) Sustainable development does not consider the viewpoints of stakeholders.

[ Sustainable development actively involves and considers the viewpoints of stakeholders, as it aims to balance economic, social, and environmental goals for the benefit of present and future generations.]

16. Which of the following is not a natural resource?

(a) Mango tree

(b) Snake

(c) Wind

(d) Wooden house

Answer :  (d) Wooden house.

[ A wooden house is a human-made or synthetic product, not a naturally occurring resource. The other options (a) Mango tree, (b) Snake, and (c) Wind can be considered natural resources as they occur naturally in the environment.]

17. Select the wrong statement

(a) Forests provide variety of products

(b) Forests have greater plant diversity

(c) Forests do not conserve soil

(d) Forests conserve water

Answer :  (c) Forests do not conserve soil.

[ Forests play a crucial role in soil conservation by preventing soil erosion, promoting water retention, and maintaining soil fertility. Therefore, the correct statement is that forests do conserve soil. ]

18. Arabari forests of Bengal is dominated by

(a) Teak

(b) Sal

(c) Bamboo

(d) Mangroove

Answer :  (b) Sal.

[ Sal (Shorea robusta) is a major tree species found in the Arabari forests of Bengal.]

19. Ground water will not be depleted due to

(a) afforestation

(b) thermal power plants

(c) loss of forest, and decreased rainfall

(d) cropping of high water demanding crops

Answer :  (a) afforestation.

[ Afforestation, the process of planting trees in areas where there were no trees before, can contribute to groundwater recharge by promoting water infiltration and reducing surface runoff. This helps maintain or increase groundwater levels.]

20. Opposition to the constrution of large dams is due to

(a) social reasons

(b) economic reasons

(c) enviromental reasons

(d) all the above

Answer :  (d) all the above.

[ Large dam projects can face opposition for a variety of reasons, including social, economic, and environmental concerns. People may protest against dams due to their potential social impacts on local communities, economic considerations, and environmental consequences such as habitat disruption and alteration of river ecosystems.]

21. Khadins, Bundhis, Ahars and Kattas are ancient structures that are examples for

(a) grain storage

(b) wood storage

(c) water harvesting

(d) soil conservation

Answer : (c) water harvesting

[ Khadins, Bundhis, Ahars, and Kattas are ancient structures that are examples of  water harvesting. These structures were traditionally used for collecting and storing water, contributing to water conservation and sustainable agricultural practices. ]

22. Pick the right combination of terms which has no fossil fuel.

(a) Wind, ocean and coal

(b) Kerosene, wind and tide

(c) Wind, wood, sun

(d) Petroleum, wood, sun

Answer :  (c) Wind, wood, sun.

[ Wind energy, wood, and solar energy are renewable sources and do not involve the use of fossil fuels.]

23. Select the eco-friendly activity among the following

(a) Using car for transportation

(b) Using polybags for shopping

(c) Using dyes for colouring clothes

(d) Using windmills to generate power for irrigation

Answer : (d) Using windmills to generate power for irrigation.

[ Windmills for power generation are a form of renewable energy and are considered eco-friendly as they do not produce harmful emissions and rely on a sustainable resource (wind) for power generation.]

24. It is important to make small check dams across the flooded gullies because they

(i) hold water for irrigation

(ii) hold water and prevent soil erosion

(iii) recharge ground water

(iv) hold water permanently

(a) (i) and (iv) (b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer :  (b) (ii) and (iii).

[ Small check dams across flooded gullies help in holding water and preventing soil erosion (ii), as well as recharging groundwater (iii). ]