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Class 9 Science Examplar Chapter 5 : THE FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE


Choose the correct answers

Q1. The cell-organelles that helps in packaging --

(A) Lysosomes

(B) Golgi apparatus

(C) Chromoplast

(D) Leucoplast

Ans : (B) Golgi apparatus

Q2.  The root hair absorbs water by the process called :

(A) Osmosis

(B) Diffusion

(C) Plasmolysis

(D) Endocytosis

Ans : (A) Osmosis .

Q3. The cell was discovered by :

(A) Schleiden

(B) Virchow

(C) Leeuwenhoek

(D) Robert Hooke

Ans : (D) Robert Hooke

Q4. The cell organelles due to which leaves ,

   flowers and fruits get their colour ---

(A) Chroroplast

(B) Chromoplast

(C) Leucoplast

(D) Lysosomes

Ans :  (B) Chromoplast

Q5. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(i) The cytoplasm is the fluid content inside the

      plasma membrane .

(ii) Plastides are present only in Animals cells .

(iii) Mitochondria are known as the

      powerhouses of the cell .

(iv) The endoplasmic reticulum is a large network

       of membrane-bound tubes and sheets .  

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (ii) and (iii)

(C) (i) , (ii) and (iv)

(D) (i) , (iii) and (iv)

Ans : (D) (i) , (iii) and (iv)

 [ Plastides are present only in Plants cells .]

Q6. Which of the following  organelles are known

        as ‘‘suicides bags’’ ?

(A) Plastids

(B) Lysosomes

(C) Mitochondria

(D) Vacuoles

Ans : (B) Lysosomes

Q7. Which of the following organelles are

      the animals cell ?

(i) Centriole

(ii) Mitochondrion

(iii) Chloroplast

(iv) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

(A) (i) , (ii) and (iii)

(B) (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

(C) (i) , (ii) and (iv)

(D) (i) , (iii) and (iv)

Ans : (C) (i) , (ii) and (iv)  [Chloroplast is a plant organelle] 

Q8. When a living plant cell loses water through osmosis

 there is shrinkage or contraction of the contents of the

cell away from the cell wall . This phenomenon

 is known as   .

(A) Absorption

(B) Diffusion

(C) Endocytosis

(D) Plasmolysis .

Ans : (D) Plasmolysis .

Q9. Which of the following organelles are not the plant cell ?

(A) Chloroplast

(B) Adjacent cell wall

(C) Centriole

(D) Chloroplast

Ans : (C) Centriole [It is a animal organelle]

Q10. Which of the following  organelles is known

        as the powerhouse of the cell ?

(A) Mitochondria

(B) Golgi apparatus

(C) Ribosomes

(D) Plasma membrane

Ans : (A) Mitochondria

Q11. If the medium surrounding the cell has a

higher water concentration than the cell will

gain water by osmosis . Such a solution is

known as a  .

(A)  Isotonic solution .

(B) Hypotonic solution .

(C) Hypertonic solution .

(D) Safranin solution

Ans : (B) Hypotonic solution .

Q12. Which of the following organism are not the

         example of unicellular organism ?

(A) Amoeba

(B) Paramoecium

(C) Bacteria

(D) Fungi

Ans :  (D) Fungi  [It is a multicellular organism]

Q13. Which of the following can be made into crystal ?

(A) A bacterium

(B) An amoeba

(C) a virus

(D) A sperm

Ans : (C) a virus

Q14. A cell will swell up if :

(A) The concentration of water molecules in the

     cell is higher than the concentration of water

     molecules in surrounding medium .

(B) The concentration of water molecules in

     surrounding medium is higher than water

     molecules concentration in the cell .

(C) The concentration of water molecules is

  same in the cell and in the surrounding medium .

(D) Concentration of water molecules does not matter .

Ans : (B) The concentration of water molecules in

         surrounding medium is higher than water

        molecules concentration in the cell .

Q15. Chromosomes are made up of :


(B) Protein

(C) DNA and Protein


Ans : (C) DNA and Protein

Q16. Which of these options are not a

       function of Ribosomes ?

(i) It helps in manufacture of protein molecules .

(ii) It helps in manufacture of enzymes .

(iii) It helps in manufacture of hormone .

(iv) It helps in manufacture of starch molecules .

(A) (i) only

(B) (ii) and (iii)

(C) (iii) and (iv)

(D) (iv) and (i)

Ans : A (i) only .

[Ribosome carry out protein synthesis ;

 Ribosome makes the cells protein ;

Ribosome are responsible for translating

 code from RNA .]

Q17. Which of these is not related to endoplasmic

        reticulum ?

(A) It behaves as transport channel for proteins between

     nucleus and cytoplasm .

(B) It transports materials between various regions

     in cytoplasm .

(C) It can be the site of energy generation .

(D) It can be the site for some biochemical

     activities of the call .

Ans : (C) It can be the site of energy generation .

Q18. Following are a few definitions of osmosis

Read carefully and select the correct definition :

(A) Movement of water molecules from a region of

     higher concentration to a region of lower

 concentration through a semipermeable membrane .

(B) Movement of solvent molecules from its higher

     concentration to lower concentration .

(C) Movement of solvent molecules from higher

   concentration to lower concentration of solution

   through a permeable membrane .

(D) Movement of solute molecules from lower

   concentration to higher concentration of solution

   through a semipermeable membrane .

Ans : (A) Movement of water molecules from a region

  of higher concentration to a region of lower

  concentration through a semipermeable membrane .

Q19. Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined as :

(A) Break down (lysis) of plasma membrane in

    hypotonic medium .

(B) Shrinkage of cytoplasm in hypertonic medium .

(C) Shrinkage of nucleoplasm .

(D) None of them

Ans : (B) Shrinkage of cytoplasm in

     hypertonic medium .

Q20. Which of the following are covered by

     a single membrane ?

(A) Mitochondria

(B) Vacuole

(C) Lysosome

(D) Plastid

Ans : (B) and (C)

Q21. Find out the false sentences :

(A) Golgi apparatus is involved with the formation

     of lysosomes

(B) Nucleus ,mitochondria and plastid have DNA ;

     hence they are able to make their own

     structural proteins .

(C) Mitochondria is said to be the power house of the

     cell as ATP is generated in them .

(D) Cytoplasm is called as protoplasm .

Ans : (D) Cytoplasm is called as protoplasm .

Q22. Find out correct sentence :

(A) Enzymes packed in Lysosomes are made

   through RER (Rough endoplasmic reticulum)

(B) Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth

     endoplasmic reticulum produce lipid and

     protein respectively .

(C) Endoplasmic reticulum is related with the

     destruction of plasma membrane .

(D) Nucleoid is present inside the nucleoplasm

     of eukaryotic nucleus .

Ans : (A) Enzymes packed in Lysosomes are

  made through RER (Rough endoplasmic reticulum)

Q23. Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in

    detoxifying many poisons and drugs in a cell ?

(A) Golgi apparatus

(B) Lysosomes

(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

(D) Vacuoles

Ans : (C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Q24. The proteins and lipids essential for building the

     cell membrane are manufactured by

(A)  endoplasmic reticulum

(B) golgi apparatus

(C) plasma membrane

(D) mitochondria

Ans : (A) endoplasmic reticulum .

Q25. The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes

    are also known as :

(A) nucleus

(B) nucleolus

(C) nucleic acid

(D) nucleoid

Ans : (D) nucleoid

Q26.The cell organelle involved in forming complex

    sugers from simple sugers are

(A) endoplasmic reticulum

(B) ribosomes

(C) plastids

(D) golgi apparatus

Ans : (D) golgi apparatus

Q27.  Which out of the following is not a

       function of vacuole ?

(a) storage

(B) Providing turgidity and rigidity to the cell

(C) Waste excretion

(D) Locomotion

Ans : (D) Locomotion

Q28. Amoeba acquires its food through a

     process , termed :

(A) exocytosis

(B) endocytosis

(C) Plasmolysis

(D) exocytosts and endocytosis

Ans : (B) endocytosis

Q28. Cell wall of which one of these is not

    made up of cellulose ?

(A) Bacteria

(B) Hydrilla

(C) Mango tree

(D) Cactus

Ans : (A) Bacteria

Q29. Silver nitrate solution is used to study :

(A) endoplasmic

(B) golgi apparatus

(C) nucleus

(D) mitochondria

Ans : (B) golgi apparatus

Q30. Organelles other than nucleus,

     containing DNA is :

(A) endoplasmic reticulum

(B) golgi apparatus

(C) mitochondria

(D) lysosome

Ans : (C) mitochondria

Q31. Kitchen of the cell is :

(A) mitochondria

(B) endoplasmic reticulum

(C) Chloroplast

(D) golgi apparatus

Ans : (C) Chloroplast

Q32. Lipid molecules in the cell are synthesized by :

(A) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

(B) rough endoplasmic reticulum

(C) golgi apparatus

(D) plastids

Ans : (A) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Q33. Cell arises from pre-existing cell was stated by :

(A) Haeckel

(B) Virchow

(C) Hooke

(D) Schleiden

Ans : (B) Virchow .

Q34. Cell theory was given by :

(A) Schleiden and Schwann

(B) Virchow

(C) Hooke

(D) Haeckel

Ans : (A) Schleiden and Schwann

Q34. The only cell organelles seen in prokaryotic cell is :

(A) mitochondria

(B) ribosomes

(C) plastids

(D) lysosomes

Ans : (B) ribosomes

Q35. Organelles without a cell membrane is :

(A) ribosome

(B) golgi apparatus

(C) chloroplast

(D) nucleus

Ans : (A) ribosome

Q36.   is :

(A)   m

(B)   m

(C)   m

(D)   m

Ans : (A)   m

Q37. Lysosome arise from :

(A) endoplasmic reticulum

(B) golgi apparatus

(C) nucleus

(D)  mitochondria

Ans : (B) golgi apparatus

Q38. Living cells were discovered by

(A) Robert Hooke

(B) Purkinje

(C)  Leeuwenhoek

(D) Robert Brown

Ans : (C)  Leeuwenhoek

Q39. Select the odd one out :

(A) The movement of water across a semi-

  permeable membrane is affected by the

  amount of substances dissolved in it .

(B) Membranes are made of organic

     molecules like proteins and lipids

(C) Molecules soluble in organic solvents

   can easily pass through the membranes .

(D) Plasma membranes contain chitin

     sugar in plants .

Ans : (D) Plasma membranes contain

            chitin sugar in plants .

Q40. Name the organelles which show the

         analogy written as under :

(A) Transporting channels of the cell .

Ans : Endoplasmic reticulum

(B) Power house of the cell  .

Ans : Mitochondria .

(C) Packaging and dispatching unit

     of the cell  .

Ans :Golgi apparatus .

(D) Digestive bag of the cell  .

Ans : Lysosome .

(E) Storage sacs of the cell  .

Ans : Vacuoles .

(F) Kitchen of the cell  .

Ans : Chloroplast .

(G) Control room of the cell  .

Ans : Nucleus .